4000 miles of car damage your council will NEVER prevent

15 March 2021

Your local council maintains your roads and protects your car from damage casued by potholes, right? WRONG for residents along 40,000 roads in the country.

These are the victims of "unadopted roads" - carriageways that belong not the the local council but to private landlords or  owners who have been lost in the mists of time.  Wetter, stormier winters and the ever-increasing weight of cars is wreaking havoc on these roads, resulting in 4000 miles of potholes that the local council is BANNED from fixing. 

And drivers pay the price.  Suspension damage is hitting the nation's pockets to the tune of £2.8 BIlLION per year, and those living on unadopted roads are on the front line. It's not just the local residents either, with visitors to homes and businesses experiencing damage and contributing more than their fair share of the bill. 

We all have need to drive along rough unadopted roads sometimes, and it's good to remember that modern cars are not built for such treatment. Low profile tyres and expensive aluminium wheels are the first victims, quickly followed by vehicle alignment. At Absolute Alignment we recommend that drivers living on unadopted roads have their vehicles checked more closely than the annual MOT test, and more frequently than when tyres wear our.  A comprehensive four wheel alignment inspection is a health check for your suspension, and your local AAA Centre will be delighted to give you peace of mind.

Stay Safe. Stay Legal. Save Money!

Parallel Lines
March 2021